Wellness Minneapolis: Healthy Heart


As February is Heart Awareness Month, Dr. Aidanne seeks to shine a light on the leading cause of death in the United States. This workshop will survey the main factors that contribute to heart disease including an overview of hypertension, cholesterol, atherosclerosis, vascular inflammation, and metabolic syndrome. From this foundation, you will learn what “optimal” looks like both clinically and on blood work, how to nourish the heart through diet & lifestyle, and when supplements or botanical medicines may be needed to provide additional support. Dr. Aidanne will walk you through her approach to the therapeutic order to keep your heart healthy.

Wellness Minneapolis: Support Series for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

Wellness Minneapolis

Wednesdays, Feb 9, Mar 9,
​Apr 13, May 11, and  June 1
6:30-8:30 PM

This series is created from a heartfelt space and with love for those of us that identify with being highly sensitive and/or an empath. Our time together during this series is intended to empower, enlighten and affirm. When we gather together as like-minded souls we discover we are not alone (in our struggles) and we become stronger and a better version of ourselves by truly being seen, witnessed and heard by those surrounding us.

Wellness Minneapolis: Emotional Eating Explained

Wellness Minneapolis

Take home some strategies from this virtual class with Jesse Haas, CNS, LN for breaking the emotional eating pattern in loving, joyful ways.

About this event

Why is it that boredom, grief, anger and even joy stimulate the desire to eat?

The truth is, emotional eating is an effective tool for relieving stress. Yet, while that cookie may make you feel better in the moment, it’s not truly a solution to your emotional strain. Food can never fill the void of hard emotions. Instead, it soothes us, putting a band-aid on the wound.

There are biochemical explanations for why you crave certain foods or have an increased appetite when you’re facing emotionally challenging things. AND there are alternatives to eating that support healing mind, body and spirit. Join us for a virtual conversation with Jesse Haas, functional nutritionist and co-founder of Wellness Minneapolis and take home some strategies for breaking the emotional eating pattern in loving, joyful ways.

This class will not be recorded.


About Your Instructor: ​Jesse Haas is a licensed functional nutritionist, health coach, and co-founder of Wellness Minneapolis. She has a keen interest in the mind-body-heart connection and brings this perspective into every class and client interaction to empower authentic and healing self-care.


ValenSpine Charity Drive

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The crew at Nokomis Chiropractic is teaming up with Sharing and Caring Hands this month to help the homeless and hungry in our community.

2 Ways You Can Help:

  1. Stop in and fill out a “ValenSpine Heart” and Nokomis will donate $2
  2. Refer a family member or friend for a new patient evaluations and first adjustment for a $25 donation in place of regular visit fees

Nokomis Chiropractic is matching the first 20 New Patient Donations as well!

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